While tile sealants are not always required they can help keep tile looking new. Sealants also make it easier for the customer to keep clean and germ free. It is also a great way to help prevent the growth of mold, especially when combined with a grout sealer. This is why many contractors should push for their customers to seal both …
Tile Is Healthier Than Carpet
Health has always been important, and now that COVID has been in the spotlight for over a year and a half in the United States, there is even more of a focus on not just health, but staying healthy. According to the American Lung Association, one of the first organs that is attacked by the virus is the lungs. Interestingly enough, …
Why VOCS are important in sustainability reporting
What Are VOCs? What are VOCs, and why are they important in sustainability reporting? A VOC, volatile organic compound, is an organic chemical compound that has a high vapor pressure and low water solubility. In other words, it can quickly evaporate and enter the atmosphere. VOCs are emitted from various sources, including industrial processes, vehicle exhaust and construction products such …